Today we’ve rounded up 10 of the best sides to eat with your Alaskan King Crab Legs! Add one or two of these to your crab feast menu and you won’t be disappointed.



Whether roasted, baked, mashed, or fried, potatoes are a classic go-to side with crab legs. Add a little garlic and butter and you’ll have yourself the ultimate complementary flavors.


Corn on the Cob

And speaking of butter, we can’t forget the most commonly seen side with crab legs: corn on the cob. While we don’t know why this duo became the traditional go-to side to eat with crab, we certainly aren’t mad about it.



Even though coleslaw is generally seen on the side of barbecue, we think this creamy cabbage dish provides the ideal crunch and flavor alongside succulent crab meat.



The salty sweetness of cornbread works well to compare and contrast with your crab meat. Plus, with all the protein of the crab legs, adding in some carbs is never a bad idea.


Steamed artichokes

Hear us out. This may sound like a weird suggestion, but steamed artichoke petals are best dipped in butter before scraping the meat off. If you’re already dipping your crab in melted butter, you may as well enjoy the extra vitamins and tart flavor of an artichoke alongside it.



Sometimes the simple option is the best one. A nice, crunchy green salad on the side can help fill in the gaps of your meal without taking too much away from the star of the show. Or, if you’re feeling creative, pair your crab legs with a Caesar salad for more garlicky goodness.


Roasted Vegetables

If you’re planning on eating a substantial amount of crab, you may want to keep the sides light with just some roasted vegetables. Drizzle a little olive oil over the broccoli, asparagus, or Brussels sprouts and put in the oven at 400°F until crispy.



We know, we know. Steak isn’t necessarily a side. But can we really have a list of the best foods to eat with crab legs and not mention surf and turf? No, we cannot, and our friends at Market House can help with that. 


Macaroni and Cheese

While it’s generally lobster that gets combined with everyone’s favorite cheesy noodles, crab meat also goes exceptionally well with this savory side.


Melted Butter

Does melted butter count as a side? We’re going to say yes. Plus, you can even fancy up your butter, easily, with Mr. Stick's "Just Add Butter" Seasoning. It's made from all-natural ingredients that pair perfectly with our all-natural crab, for maximum flavor. Need some all-natural butter? We always recommend this one right here


Luckily, when it comes to pairing your Alaskan king crab legs with a side, you really can’t go wrong. Just pair one delicious food with another — then enjoy! 

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Sourced Straight from Sea to Table

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Sourced through trusted experts and chosen for taste, texture and quality.
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Flash frozen to lock in the fresh-off-the-dock taste.
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Packaged with dry ice and shipped overnight directly to your door.
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Simply thaw, prep, heat, and eat.
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