Got questions about Alaskan king crab? Well, you’ve come to the right place.

We understand the desire to learn everything you can about the food you put on your table — it’s why we believe in transparent fishing processes and never compromise on quality. The “FAQ” of the matter is that Alaskan king crabs are fascinating creatures, so it’s no surprise that we get asked many of these questions again and again.

Here’s a list of frequently asked questions about our favorite crustaceans.

Q: How many different types of Alaskan king crab are there?

A: Three. There’s golden king crab, blue king crab and red king crab. It can get a little confusing because golden king crab is often called “brown king crab” and blue king crab is occasionally sold as “red king crab,” but just know there are only three main types on the market. There is actually a fourth type called scarlet king crab found in the Bering Sea, but it isn’t commercially marketed, so you aren’t likely to come across it in stores.

Q: Where in Alaska do you find king crab?

Red king crabs — which are also the most prevalently sold king crabs — are found in the Worton Sound and Bristol Bay. Blue king crabs and golden king crabs are found further out in the Bering Sea, with high concentrations of golden king crabs found along the Aleutian Islands and blue king crabs found closer to St. Matthew and Pribilof Islands.

Q: What makes Alaskan king crabs so special?

Not only are Alaskan king crabs the largest of all king crabs, but they’re also known for having the best flavor.

Q: How big do Alaskan king crabs get?

On average, king crabs weigh between 6 to 10 pounds. However, they’ve been known to reach up to 20 pounds. Among the three types, golden king crabs tend to be the smallest.

Q: What do Alaskan king crabs eat?

King crabs are omnivorous, meaning they eat both plants and animals. Since they live on the ocean floor, young crabs are foraging for protozoa, hydroids and other organisms within easy reach. As they grow older, king crabs feast on worms, clams, mussels, algae, fish parts and other small creatures.

Q: How far underwater do Alaskan king crabs live?

Golden king crabs live in the deepest water, submerging themselves up to 1,600 feet. Red crabs and blue crabs, on the other hand, tend to inhabit shallower water, staying at around 200 feet.

Q: What are the predators of Alaskan king crabs?

Humans aren’t the only ones who like to eat king crabs. Octopuses, sea otters, Pacific cod, Yellowfin sole and halibut are the primary predators, but red king crabs are also cannibalistic — meaning they’ll eat each other.

Now that you know a little more about these prized sand dwellers, you can enjoy sitting down to a crab feast with friends even more. You’re bound to win the admiration of your dinner guests when you share the exact location off the coast of Alaska where your crab originated.

Or, you could just share the answer to our favorite frequently asked question: how delicious are Alaskan king crabs? Answer: so delicious.

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Sourced through trusted experts and chosen for taste, texture and quality.
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Simply thaw, prep, heat, and eat.
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