Imagine this: It’s been a long week. You’re thinking it’s time for a decent meal, and you’re craving crab. But not just any ol’ crab will do — you want to crack into the largest, most impressive king crab legs in the world. 

Picture another scenario: You’re having your closet friends over to celebrate, and you want to give everyone a meal that they talk about for weeks afterward.

The good news is that you don’t even have to wait long to get your hands on your seafood since we ship overnight to your door. But when you place your order, you have to decide: How much do you need?

Of course, only you know your appetite and the occasion. But before you get caught up in the mental math, consider these helpful hints.

How Much King Crab to Order

  • The standard (adult) dinner guest will each enjoy about two pounds of king crab legs. Those with larger appetites may want to go up to three pounds each. Here are the serving sizes we recommend:
    • 3 lbs = 1.5-2 Servings
    • 4 lbs = 2-3.5 Servings
    • 6 lbs = 3-5 Servings
    • 10 lbs = 5-8 Servings

  • You can expect a range of sizes from our various king crab legs offerings. Here’s what they look like:


Remember that if you accidentally over-order, you can keep your king crab legs in the freezer for two to three months until you’re ready to eat them! (And, if you still can’t decide how much to order, shoot us an email at:

How To Serve Your King Crab

Since our king crab comes pre-cooked and flash frozen, your king crab legs are technically ready to eat as is. Or, this versatile seafood can be prepared in a variety of different ways. To warm, you can steam, sauté, broil, bake, grill or roast for 4 minutes to heat through. Our top recommendation is to grill or bake your king crab legs!

Click here to discover a full break-down on the best ways to thaw and prepare your king crab legs.

Get Saucy

What’s a king crab leg dinner without something to dunk in? 

Our favorite sauces send flavor to the next level! With just a few key ingredients, you can alter your king crab experience and take your taste buds on an exotic adventure. Whether you prefer a classic butter sauce, an herb-y concoction, or something distinctly different, we have a recipe for you. Shop our AKC ""Just Add Butter" Seafood Seasoning for the perfect mix of a garlic and lemon kick.

Check out this post to get the recipes for our favorite Butter Sauce, Ancient Miso Dipping Sauce, Rouille Sauce, Basil-Mint Pesto Sauce, and fan-favorite Mediterranean Dip. 

With these tips in hand, you’re ready for the perfect entree at your next dinner party, birthday meal, or casual Tuesday family dinner. 

Order Alaskan king crab legs with confidence now!

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Sourced Straight from Sea to Table

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Sourced through trusted experts and chosen for taste, texture and quality.
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Flash frozen to lock in the fresh-off-the-dock taste.
AKC truck icon
Packaged with dry ice and shipped overnight directly to your door.
plate with seafood icon
Simply thaw, prep, heat, and eat.
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